Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXX, No. 3, Autumn 2021 DOI: CUPRINS Paradigms Romanian Geopolitics: From the Geographical Approach to Gusti’s School of Sociology: The Coniunctionis Animae Concept and Its Context - Radu Baltasiu The Danube, an Element of the Modern Romanian Statehood: A Discussion on Geography, History and Identity - Ovidiana Bulumac The Invention of the “Moldavian Language” in 1924 As a Political Weapon in the Conflict between Romanian and Ukrainian Bolsheviks at the Beginnings of the Soviet Union - George Damian Mocanu An Unpublished Demographic Survey Regarding the Aromanian Communities in Greece during the Second World War - Emanuil Ineoan Timok Valley, Sociological and Historical Aspects: The State of the Vitality of the Romanian Community in Eastern Serbia - Alin Bulumac, Samira Cîrlig, Narcis Rupe Transsilvanica Evropae nationes: Allegories Painted in a House in Brașov in the Early Seventeenth Century - Dana Jenei Tangencies Space Sacralization in Antiquity: The Case Study of Roman Dacia - Csaba Szabó Concertatio Extended Control Cycle in Ritual Behavior and Narrative Scenarios - Mircea Valeriu Deaca Book Reviews Monica Negoescu, Cărturari saxo-români în Transilvania secolului XIX (reviewed by Bogdana-Cristina-Laura Nedelcu) Mircea-Gheorghe Abrudan, Protopopul Aurel Munteanu (1882–1940), martir al poporului român și mucenic al Bisericii Ortodoxe (reviewed by Florian Dumitru Soporan) Ionel Boamfă, Geografie istorică (reviewed by George-Bogdan Tofan) List of Contributors