ARTICOL l Open Access I
Jeanette Winterson’s Art & Lies As the Fictional Embodiment of an Ars Poetica
Vol. XXXII, Supplement, No.1, 2023
: Alina Preda
Data publicării: 2023
The Conflict of Interpretations: Literature/Culture and Its Readings
Latinity. Romanity. Romanianity
Argument -The Editors
La critique de l’étude rédigée par Silviu Dragomir sur le Diplôme des chevaliers de St. Jean - Ioan-Aurel Pop, Sorin Șipoș
Tra modernizzazione e discontinuità: Appunti sulla periodizzazione della storia della lingua romena - Federico Donatiello
The Contribution of Microtoponymy to the Historical Reconstruction of Rural Settlements - Cosmin Patca, Laura Ardelean
The Impact of the Tsarist Domination on the Collective Mentality of the Population in Bessarabia in the First Decades After Annexation: Case Study: Nobles and Peasants - Cristina Gherasim
What Language Did the Moldavian Romanians in Tsarist Bessarabia Speak? - Ion Eremia
The Philanthropy and Patriotism of a Forgotten Benefactor of Transylvania: Vasile Stroescu (1845–1926) - Radu Romînașu, Laura Ardelean
A Chapter on the Cultural History of Royalty in Bessarabia: The Image of King Michael I in Recent Literature - Aliona Grati
The Destiny of Silviu Dragomir’s Work The Vlachs from the North of the Balkan Peninsula in the Middle Ages - Sorin Șipoș
The Students and the Single Party: Ideological and Repressive Dimensions in 1954–1955 Romania - Gabriel Moisa
Cupid and Psyche in Romania: Premises for a Study of Romanian Variants of Type ATU 425 - Nicola Perencin
Foreign Interference in the Development of the Higher Education of the Republic of Moldova: The Year 1998 - Liliana Rotaru
“Filologia totale” e “romenità interiore”: Idee dalla lettura di due Festschriften per Cino Renzi (con una noticina su ‘Dante giudice terreno’) - Zeno Verlato
The Conflict of Interpretations: Literature/Culture and Its Readings
Argument - The Editors
Reading (Through) the Form: A Politics of Jazz - Horea Poenar
Past and Present Research on the Imaginary - Ruxandra Cesereanu
The Ethics of Form in Muriel Spark’s The Ballad of Peckham Rye - Petronia Petrar
“This circular dreamtime of chaos”: Percolating Temporalities in Mike McCormack’s Solar Bones - Carmen Borbély
Points of (Narrative) Contact in Colum McCann’s Let the Great World Spin and Apeirogon - Elena Pãcurar
The Politics of Ambiguity in Historical Fiction Writing - Cãlina Pãrãu
Birds, Fish, and Palimpsests: The Exploration of Memory in Two Short Stories by Anthony Doerr - Amelia Precup
Blank Tapes: Technologies of Memory in Krapp’s Last Tape - Rareș Moldovan
Jeanette Winterson’s Art & Lies As the Fictional Embodiment of an Ars Poetica - Alina Preda
Unlocking the Voices of the Nonhuman: A Hermeneutic Analysis of Eighteenth-Century Animalographies - Paul Mihai Paraschiv
Conflicting Discourses in Jewish-Romanian Interwar Literature and Its Reception - Dragoș Bucur
Re-Reading the Postwar Romanian Canon: Sorin Titel and the Case of the “Tolerated” Writing - Mia Biligan
Dimensions of the Experimental Novel - Mihai Ignat
Despre noi
Raport 2023
Transylvanian Review
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