Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXXIII, No. 3, Autumn 2024 DOI: 10.33993/TR.2024.3 CUPRINS Paradigms Beyond Unconditional Surrender: Romania’s Diplomatic Campaign for a Conditional Armistice (1942–1944) - Mihai Alexandrescu At the Crossroads of Destiny: Romania’s Tumultuous Journey from 23 August 1944 to the Armistice: Consequences - Marcela Sălăgean The Third Reich and the Act of 23 August 1944 - Ottmar Trașcă Slovak Reflections on the August 1944 Coup in Romania and Its Impact on the Slovak National Uprising - Marek Syrný Transsilvanica Jesuit Education in Cluj (1579–1785): A Historical and Historiographical Overview - Ferenc Páll-Szabó, Alexandru Kósa Tuberculosis Mortality in Transylvania: Some Data and an Analysis - Daniela Mârza Legacy Entre innovation et appel à la tradition : l’État médiéval en Europe centrale-orientale aux XIe-XIVe siècles: Perspectives historiographiques et discours identitaire - Florian Dumitru Soporan Communio Education Policy 1945–1946: The Experience of Montenegro - Nenad Perošević, Natalija Milikić Hotel Avala in Budva: Pioneer of Tourism and Tourist Architecture on the Montenegrin Coast - Gordana Rovčanin Premović Concertatio Hope and Disappointment - George Cipăianu Book Reviews Marchizul de Custine, Scrisori din Rusia: Rusia în 1839 (reviewed by George Cipăianu) Ioan Bolovan, Asociația Națională Arădeană pentru Cultura Poporului Român: Între local, regional și național (1863–1918) (reviewed by Florian Dumitru Soporan) Beatrice Bednarik and Alexandru Davidian, Familia Bednarik în arta românească (reviewed by Elena Crinela Holom) Traian Sandu, Ceaușescu: Le dictateur ambigu (reviewed by Alex Cistelecan) Bella DePaulo, Single at Heart: The Power, Freedom, and Heart-Filling Joy of Single Life (reviewed by Anda-Lucia Spânu) List of Contributors