Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2, Summer 2024 DOI:10.33993/TR.2024.2 CUPRINS Paradigms At Home in the World: Remarks on the Bengali Sense of Belonging - Mihaela Gligor Indo-Persian Identities in Medieval Muslim Deccan - Marius Lazăr Identity, Law and Agrarian Economy in India: Past and Present - Praveen Verma India’s North Border Conflicts: Between Reality and Fiction - Marian Suciu 75 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Romania and India - Alexandra-Iulia Nuc-Roșu Tangencies Starosts in the Principality of Moldavia: A Case Study (1387–1439) - Alexandru Bejenaru Communio Constantin Stere’s View on the Self-Government of Romania’s Sub-National Territorial Collectivities in the First Decades of the 20th Century - Sergiu Cornea Literature Le thème de la mort dans l’œuvre de Boris Vian - Letiția Ilea Editorial Events Revisiting Nicolaus Olahus - Levente Nagy Book Reviews John D. Hosler, Jerusalem Falls: Seven Centuries of War and Peace (reviewed by Cătălin-Ștefan Popa) Loránd L. Mádly (Hg.),Siebenbürgen zwischen Großungarn und dem österreichischen Gesamtstaat: Der Briefwechsel von Guberniumpräsident Ludwig Folliot von Crenneville und Hofkanzler Franz von Nádasdy (1861-1863)(reviewed by Corina Cioltei-Hopârtean) Mircea-Gheorghe Abrudan, Biserica Ortodoxă și clerul militar din Monarhia Habsburgică între Pacea de la Carloviț și Primul Război Mondial (1699–1914)(reviewed by Florian Dumitru Soporan) Maricica Munteanu, Gruparea de la “Viața românească”: O literatură a spațiului și comunității (reviewed by Mihnea-Andrei Haitur) Dr. Jörg Biber, Aventurile lui Paul Biber, mecanic de precizie pe aerodromul Sânandrei de lângă Timișoara: Nume de cod “Adebar” (1915 și 1916)(reviewed by Robert-Marius Mihalache) List of Contributors