DOI: CUPRINS Paradigms The Treaty of Trianon: History and Politics - Vasile Pușcaș Illiberalism and the Trianon Syndrome: The Orbán Regime and the Support of Ethnic Parallelism in Transylvania - Vasile Sebastian Dâncu From Political Nostalgia to Cultural Trauma? Hungary’s European Dilemma a Hundred Years After Trianon - Ionel N. Sava Tangencies Direct Taxation Reform in Romania After the Great Union - Florin-Sebastian Duma, Adrian-Gabriel Corpădean Zensurresilienz in historischen deutschsprachigen Zeitungen des östlichen Europas: Eine Fallstudie zur jüdischen und deutschen Presse Großrumäniens (1919-1940) - Albert Weber The Intellectuals of Politics and the Policies of Intellectuals: The Role of the Ethnic Hungarian Workers’ Council in the Political Integration of the Ethnic Hungarian Cultural Elite during the Ceaușescu Regime - Csaba Zoltán Novák Interculturalism Vereinsleben der deutschen Minderheit in Rumänien zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik: Kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Vereine - Iulia Elena Zup Europe The New European Union Leadership: What Does it Mean for the European Union’s Eastern Neighborhood? - Melania-Gabriela Ciot, Ana Damaschin Literature La poéticité du poème en prose - Virgil Borcan Book Reviews Brigitte Mazohl and Rolf Steininger, Geschichte Südtirols (reviewed by Kurt Scharr) Nicolas Tertulian, Modernité et Antihumanisme: Les combats philosophiques de Georg Lukács (reviewed by Andrei State) List of Contributors