Robert - Marius MIHALACHE

Studii și specializări
Identities and Careers in East-Central and South-Eastern Europe: From the End of the Middle Ages to the Fall of the Communist Regimes. [În colaborare cu Alexandru Simon și Ferenc Páll-Szabó]. ClujüNapoca, 2020, 313 p. [TR, XXIX, supl. 2].
În periodice și vol. colective
The Holy See’s Intervention in the Struggle for the Occupation of the Hungarian Throne (1290-1310). TR, XX, supl. 2:1, 2011, p. 155-164.
Aspectele transilvane ale legaţiei cardinalului Iacob de Preneste (1232-1234). AIIGB, LII, 2013, p. 167-178.
The „Legation” of King Bela IV in the Bulgarian Tsarate (1238). In The Publications of the XXVII. microCAD International Scientific Conference, University of Miskolc, 21-22 March, 2013 (CD).
Hierocratic Aspects Related to the Legation of Archbishop Robert of Esztergom to Cumania (1227). TR, XXIII, 1, 2014, p. 118-131.
Aspectele istorico-economice ale episcopiei Transilvaniei reflectate de registrul de dijme (1332-1337). AIIGB, LIV, 2015, p. 37-50.
Avignonese Tithe Collectors and Transylvania: Up Until the Middle of the 14th Century. TR, XXIV, 4, 2015, p. 55-68.
The Collections of Pontifical Tithes from the Diocese of Oradea between 1332-1337. In The Publications of the MultiScience – XXIX. microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference, University of Miskolc, 9-10 April, 2015 (CD).
Historical-Economic Aspects Pertaining to the Bishopric of Transylvania As Reflected in the Pontifical Tithe Register (1332-1337). TR, XXVII, 2, 2018, p. 68-82.
Monedele din Transilvania medievală reflectate de registrul de dijme papale (1332-1337). AIIGB, LVIII, 2019, p. 31-39.
The Institution of Papal Legation (12th-14th Centuries): Historical and Historiographical Benchmarks. TR, XXVIII, 2, 2019, p. 74-84.
The Implications for Transylvania of Cardinal Jacob of Preneste’s Legation (1232-1234). TR, XXX, 2, 2021, p. 43-55.