ARTICOL l Open Access I
Translating Modernism Through Communism: William Faulkner and Gabriel García Márquez As Cold War Writers
Vol. XXXI, Supplement, No.1, 2022
: Cosmin Borza
Data publicării: 2022
Editors’ Note
Genres and Devices
Principles for an Evolutionary Taxonomy of the Romanian Novel - Andrei Terian
“The Lost Child” and “The Womanless Novel”: An Exploratory Proposal for a Revisitation of the History of the Romanian Novel - Radu Vancu
Children’s Literature in Romania - Mihai Iovănel
Rhizomes, Forms, Rhythms, and Other Transportation Systems: An Attempt at Introducing Constructalism in Literary Theory - Teodora Dumitru
Network Everything: Society, Publics, and Selves in the Digital Age - Vlad Pojoga
What Kind of News Is Fake News: A New Taxonomy - Simina-Maria Terian
Political Culture, Translation, and the Emergence of Anarchism in Romania at the Turn of the 20th Century - Adrian Tătăran
The Import of the Latin American Novel in Romania: “Meaningful Voids” and Selection Principles of a (Semi)peripheral National Market - Alex Goldiș
Translating Modernism Through Communism: William Faulkner and Gabriel García Márquez As Cold War Writers - Cosmin Borza
Translational Layers and Transnational Identities in the Romanian Literature of the 1980s - Adriana Stan
Cultures in Translation: Translated Peripherality in György Dragomán and Radu Pavel Gheo’s Fiction - Mihaela Ursa
Translated covid-19 Fake News: Human Input and Localization As Benchmarks of Disinformation Intent - Anca-Simina Martin
Peripheries, Centers, World
X Times Theory: Observations on Implied Temporalities and the Autopoiesis of Theory - Rareș Moldovan
The Ascension of the Author and Ecologies of Knowledge: A New Theoretical Framework - Alex Ciorogar
Literary Studies Facing the “Three Cultures Model” - Andreea Coroian Goldiș
Glocal Literatures in the Making: The Interstitial Novel in Modern Romania As World-Literature - Daiana Gârdan
Socialist Realism without Socialism: Norsetalgia and the Scandinavian 1960s - Ovio Olaru
Late, but Timely: James Kelman’s Reappraisal of Modernism - Petronia Popa-Petrar
Mirrored Otherness and Microhistory in Post-Soviet Literature: The Estranged Milieus in Vasile Ernu’s Essays and Fiction - Dragoș Varga, Ștefan Baghiu
From Quantitative to Computational Analyses
An Ideological Distant Reading of the American Novel Translated in the Romanian Literary System (1853–1989) - Claudiu Turcuş, Daiana Gârdan
The Rise of Translations: Foreign Novels in Romania in 1877, 1945, and 1989 - Ştefan Baghiu
Across Shallow Time: The Romanian Rural Novel in the “Short Twentieth Century” - Emanuel Modoc
Discerning Fake News: An Automated Analysis Using the ReaderBench Framework - Simina-Maria Terian, Laurențiu-Marian Neagu, Anca-Simina Martin, Ștefan Ruseti, Mihai Dascălu
Editorial Events
Industrial Policy, Labor Relations, and Ideology in Early Communist Romania - Alex Cistelecan
Book Reviews
Alexandru Matei, Christian Moraru, and Andrei Terian, eds., Theory in the “Post” Era: A Vocabulary for the Twenty-First-Century Conceptual Commons (reviewed by Maria Chiorean)
Delia Ungureanu, Time Regained: World Literature and Cinema (reviewed by Andreea Mîrț)
Corin Braga, ed., Concepte și metode în cercetarea imaginarului: Invitații Phantasma (reviewed by Andra Gălan)
Călin Teutișan, Scenarii ale criticii: Protagoniști, metode, interpretări (reviewed by Teona Farmatu)
Didier Coste, Christina Kkona, and Nicoletta Pireddu, eds., Migrating Minds: Theories and Practices of Cultural Cosmopolitanism (reviewed by Emanuel Lupașcu)
Ștefan Baghiu, Ovio Olaru, and Andrei Terian, eds., Beyond the Iron Curtain: Revisiting the Literary System of Communist Romania (reviewed by Mihnea Bâlici)
List of Contributors
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Transylvanian Review
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